Farming can be stressful in the best of times. Financial worries, unpredictable weather, plant pests, livestock diseases, and isolation all contribute to farmers’ anxiety. Severe depression and suicidal thoughts can be common in our day and age. If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else, help is available.
Many of the factors that affect agricultural production are largely beyond the control of the producer. Good health, including mental health, is a key factor that contributes to one’s ability to keep farming.
Twenty percent of any population has mental health complications, including farmers and ranchers. Stigma and privacy concerns associated with mental health issues may mean that many people do not seek out available behavioral health services.
Farm Aid
Farm Aid is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to build a vibrant, family farm-centered system of agriculture in America. It operates the Farm Aid Hotline (1-800-FARM-AID or 1-800-327-6243). Counselors can connect you with helpful services, resources and opportunities specific to their individual needs. The English-language hotline is available Monday through Friday from 9 AM-9PM Eastern. La línea en español está disponible de lunes a viernes, de 9 a. m. a 5 p. m., hora del Este.
Additional resources are available on the Farm Aid website. These include a form to request assistance online, a search tool to connect with hundreds of organizations providing guidance, Farmer Resource Guides built from decades of experience serving farmers and their families.
Farmers Suicide Prevention Task Force
The Farmers Suicide Prevention Task Force, created and approved by the TSPN Advisory Council in April 2018, has partnered with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture to form a proactive response to the issue of suicide in Tennessee among farmers and their families. The Task Force employs the expertise of community partners and other entities throughout the state to carry out action items to create an atmosphere of safety and suicide awareness for Tennessee’s farmers.
Farm Stress and Emotional Well-Being, Part I
Farm Stress and Emotional Well-Being, Part II
This two-part guide describes some of the issues contributing to the challenges of farming and provides helpful strategies and resources to aid farmers in building and maintaining the resilience needed to be successful. It was developed to be used by anyone who lives or works in the world of farming. Part I addresses reducing and managing stress, risk factors, emotions, and spirituality. Part II deals addresses substance-use disorder, family relationships, suicide, and therapy.
This guide is a publication of Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas, managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Business-Cooperative Service.
The Personal Nature of Agriculture: Men Seeking Help
By Randy Weigel, University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service
This pamphlet explores how men’s upbringing makes seeking help a challenge, the social and family barriers to seeking help and the characteristics of helping professionals who work well with men reluctant to seek help and what men can do to help themselves.
STRESS Act Introduced to Address Farmer Suicide
By Natlina Sents, Successful Farming at
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a free 24/7, confidential, short-term crisis counseling line for anyone experiencing distress, not just people who are suicidal. Call, text, or chat 988 if you are overwhelmed, stressed, and need to talk with a trained counselor.
Or text
TN to
741741 to connect to the Crisis Text Line and a trained counselor.
If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else, call the crisis hotline to be connected to your closest crisis center. This information can be found in our Regional Information Tab.
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
The Lifeline is a free 24/7, confidential, short-term crisis counseling line for those experiencing distress. It is a myth that 988 is only for suicidal individuals; it is available to everyone. Call, text, or chat 988 if you are overwhelmed, stressed, and need to talk with a trained counselor.
This project is funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.